12 Days of 2017

Jasper, Alberta views

It’s been awhile since I last blogged. Truth be told, it’s not for lack of trying. I have 10 entries sitting in my drafts. The real roadblock to actually finishing something has been my own hesitations. I began to convince myself that everyone was judging me for having this blog, and that it serves no real purpose. But I forgot that at the end of the day, I do this because it helps me. It gives me something to do when I am feeling sad, or anxious. It gives me a task instead of going in circles. If someone reads it, and finds it helpful, that’s a bonus. If someone reads it and thinks I am a loser, or an idiot – well then, so be it!

But I didn’t want to finish the year without looking back, and doing one of my favourite reflection exercises – and that’s picking the 12 days that impacted me in 2017. (And as usual, they’re in no particular order).

June 10, 2017

Day One of the Ride to Conquer Cancer. I trained so hard for this year’s event, and my hard work paid off. My goal had been to ride with the lead TEALPOWER riders for as much of the distance as possible, and I did! I was so scared I’d be the last person to catch up to the group, and would hold everyone back. Instead, I proved to myself that I did work hard enough, and am strong.

The downside… it came at a price. I badly injured my ulnar nerve (aka the funny bone nerve) and have not been on my bike since crossing the finish line in Niagara Falls on June 11th. It’s been months of being in pain and discomfort nearly every day. I also haven’t been able to lift weights and my running has been very limited. In fact my last run was over a month ago. Any time my pain flares up, I have to scale everything back and let my nerves rest.

This has been the source of a lot of anxiety and upset for me since. It’s been so frustrating being unable to do some of the things I love to do, including many of the things I also use to combat my anxiety such as knitting and exercising. I’ve been trying so hard to think positive but all too often it becomes easier to just think I’ll be in pain forever – or worse – that this is a sign of something more serious.

I’ve struggled a lot too with social media. I find it very difficult to see so many of my friends being active, and achieving new goals at the gym. I’ve often felt like a failure for still not being healed. I feel like others are judging me for NOT exercising or getting in better shape. But like all the doctors and physiotherapists have told me – nerve injuries take time and are incredibly stubborn. I just have to keep waiting.

But would I go back and do the Ride all over again? You bet. It’s always a life affirming weekend, that teaches me so much about the power of the human body. Plus, I get to share some laughs and memories with an incredible group of Riders. So cross your fingers I can clip into my pedals again in 2018.


June 16, 2017

Who doesn’t love a good wedding? My Aunt Serena married her partner Jo, making her an official part of our family! It was just another wonderful night with my family, getting to let loose and celebrate a wonderful partnership. I truly cherish and appreciate these times I get to spend with my family. Because we’re all so busy, and spread out across the Golden Horseshoe, it’s also not often anymore that we get the whole gang together. Like at Christmas, I love being able to get everyone in one place, so once again it reminds me how lucky I am to have such a wonderful, loving and open family.

The one and only Lake Louise

September 29, 2017

Sean & I went to Calgary, and on this day, I saw the Rocky Mountains up close for the first time in my entire life. Any time I spent in the mountains was spent in awe. It was breathtaking, humbling, and overwhelming all at once. When we hiked through Grassi Lakes, I just couldn’t get over the sheer size of the Rockies. Nothing puts your anxiety into perspective quite like realizing how small you are in the world. It was a strange feeling at times, being surrounded by the mountains. But I loved every second of it. It reminded me how much I love adventure, and exploring. It showed me the importance of getting out, and experiencing new areas of this beautiful country I am lucky enough to call home. Being outdoors, always gives me so much peace of mind. It’s the way I reconnect to my spiritual side as well. Seeing so much natural beauty convinces me that there is so much more to this world that we will never understand.

And… I even went several days in a row without any nerve pain! Bonus!

I really hope one day we can go back. Not to mention, we have some incredible friends who live out West, who were kind enough to open their homes to us. I am always happy when I get to see Sean reconnecting with his childhood friends, and spending time with people he cares about.

February 14, 2017 

The start of another BFF vacation! This time I temporarily joined the Myner Household, and became one of 15 members of our Mexico squad! MC’s family were so welcoming to me, and never made me feel like a 5th (or 15th) wheel. I never felt as if I was “crashing” their family party, and not a full member of the team. And as usual, I am very thankful I have such a great BFF, who I get to travel with. Not all friends travel well, and somehow we’ve figured it out! MC and I also both discovered that snorkeling is an excellent therapy for anxiety! It is the perfect way to be mindful! You’re focused on your breathing, swimming AND staring at fish! You don’t have time to be scared! We both agreed all future trips must involve snorkels.

March 9, 2017 

On this night, a group of George Brown Marketing students put together a media panel. My group was discussing the changing state of affairs in sports broadcasting. I was so humbled to be asked to be part of the panel, and also incredibly excited!

One of the things that inspired me to get into sports broadcasting, was some advice I heard during a sports media panel when I was at Ryerson over a decade ago. A female producer was asked if she ever felt that she was treated differently for being a woman in a man’s industry. Her answer was surprising. She said that she actually found that being a female helped her stand out. She wasn’t just another “Mike” or “Andrew” in the newsroom. People noticed when she did good work, and when she showed off her sports expertise. She took the situation, and used it all to her advantage. With those words, I saw the power in re-framing a perceived detriment to a become advantage. I was so thrilled to have the chance to maybe inspire other kids to stick with sports media, and especially my fellow females. It was also fun getting to network with media personalities, and hear what young students think about the current state of media. I really hope I get to do more of these talks in the future.

December 10, 2017 

Toronto FC finally won the MLS Cup, and I was lucky enough to be in the stands for it! After being a fan of this team through so many difficult years, and watching them come SO CLOSE last year, I really didn’t know whether they’d be successful this year. It’s moments like these, too, that also remind me why I work in sports, and love it. I am so lucky to be involved in so much at my job. Sports have given me the chance to meet so many new people, challenge myself, and make new friends. I wouldn’t trade my line of work for any other area of the media business.

Hadn’t showered in like two days, but it was worth it

May 19, 2017

Years ago, if you had asked me what my Bucket List would contain – somewhere on it I would have had Algonquin Park listed on it. This year, thanks to Sean & his friend Chris, I was finally able to cross that off! We portaged into Lake Louisa via Rock Lake. Carrying all of our supplies was no joke, but so rewarding once we arrived at camp.

I camped a lot as a kid, but it was always car camping. This was my first time where I was off the grid. It was a little scary. I was definitely terrified of a bear attacking us at night, and didn’t sleep well at all. And even though it was May, it was still quite chilly in the Park. I think I wore about 5 layers at all times during the entire weekend. But I’d do it all over again in a second. I love everything about camping. You have the fresh air, the peace & quiet, campfires, hiking, and for the first time in my life I canoed! I really hope we get an opportunity to go back, I miss the beauty of Algonquin so much already.

Also, the best part of the weekend was being completely shut off from social media and our cell phones. With no service, there was no temptation to scroll mindlessly through Instagram or Twitter. Instead, I opened my eyes and absorbed every inch of scenery around me.

Not to mention, camping is another great cure for anxiety. You don’t have time during the day to be scared because you are just too busy! When you camp, everything is an ordeal. Want a cup of tea? Time to find the kettle, collect some water, start a small fire for the burner, wait forever for the water to boil, well you get the idea! There’s always something to be done, and it requires your focus. If I tried to even start worrying about something random while chopping wood, well I probably would have needed to be airlifted out of the park. It’s a great way to remind myself that being mindful and focusing on what’s right in front of me, is the best way to keep my anxiety from taking over.

Beautiful Algonquin (Lake Louisa)

August 26, 2017 

I can honestly say this was an unremarkable day by most standards. We didn’t do anything fancy. But it was one of the rare nights this summer that Sean & I just got to sit, and relax on our balcony. We enjoyed a warm summer evening, listening to new music, and enjoying the view of the city. To me, it was the perfect way to spend a night together. The summer was such a busy one this year, so I am thankful we got a little downtime together. As I usually find each year, it’s often the little moments that can stand out the most.

March 25, 2017

I know, I know. A little lame to put my own birthday party on this list, but I’m doing it anyways. With my confidence issues, it’s very easy for me to convince myself that I am not worthy of my friends. I can sometimes feel like I am just not good enough for them, and that one day, they’ll all realize this and stop hanging out with me. But on this night, they all reminded me that I am loved, and appreciated by so many different people. And we also discovered that ax throwing is the best way to spend a birthday party!

May 7, 2017/October 22, 2017

This is really a 2-for-1 since both of these dates were road races I completed this year. And both times I went into them with a lot of doubt. For the Goodlife 10km in May, I did not feel ready. I had been focusing on cycling, and didn’t train properly. My original goal had been in under an hour, but I adjusted my expectations. I was embarrassed with myself, and thought I was a failure. I thought that people would see my finish time and think “what a loser, she does all that training and still can’t run 10km in under an hour?” It was the same for the Scotiabank 5km in October. I knew I wouldn’t finish in under 30 minutes, and feared I’d barely get in under 45 minutes. For Scotiabank, it was my nerve injury. I had run only a handful of times before the race.

But with both races, I exceeded my expectations. I have to keep reminding myself that my finish time isn’t always important – and that often setting such high expectations of myself when I am not 100% isn’t going to do my confidence any favours. Instead, I need to remember that I still achieved it, and still attempted it. That’s all I can really ask of myself.


November 30, 2017

Sadly, like 2016, in 2017 I said goodbye to another grandparent. This time it was my Grandmother on my father’s side. It was a bittersweet day for a number of reasons. I wasn’t terribly close to my Grandmother, but I always knew she was proud of me, and loved me. But she was a bit of a mystery to me. Her and my grandfather moved from Welland to Elmira before I was born, and she remained there even after my grandfather passed away of a heart attack in 1982. It was at her funeral I learned the extent of her “other life”. What broke my heart was just seeing how many people she impacted throughout her life. I was sad for those who loved her dearly, and now had to say goodbye. I was also sad because, as with all deaths, it’s that final realization that you’ll never get that time back with that person. I will now never have the chance to know my grandmother better, and that saddens me. But, I am trying to see this as an excellent reminder not to let me anxiety hold me back, and live life fully.

July 29, 2017 

We actually made a big decision that will impact 2018 more than it did in 2017 – we officially booked our plane tickets to South Africa! We’re heading there in just a few months, with our good friends Peter & Giles. The trip has been in the works for a long time, but to actually put a real date on our departure, was a big moment. We’ll be gone for nearly a month, so it’s definitely the biggest travel undertaking I’ve ever experienced! (Oh… and that night we went on to enjoy a fun BBQ hosted by our friends Alan & Amanda)


And that’s 2017 in a nutshell! It was another incredible year, and one that truly felt like it went by too fast. I really hope time slows down a little in 2018, so I can stop and enjoy the little moments a little more.

I don’t have many new resolutions for this year, but it’s much of the same as last – stop beating myself up over the things I cannot control, and don’t let my anxiety stop me from experiencing new and memorable things.

Have a great holiday season everyone, and stay tuned for the Top Live Bands of 2017!

In Like a Lion

Missing the soothing waters of the Gulf!

So February absolutely flew by! Between a quick trip to Montreal as part of Sean’s Christmas gift, and my BFF vacation to Mexico, it’s hard to believe that March is already in full swing. I have to admit, I missed having specific goals in February like I did in January. Being busy is good, but the OCD in me loves rules, guidelines, and deadlines!

Coming back from Mexico, I was hit with the infamous stomach bug that travelers often face when heading South to resorts. So I went back on the IR and couldn’t exercise immediately following my return to Canada. This was at first hard to accept because there were so many times on vacation where I’d look at photos of myself in a bikini and be disgusted at what I saw. I hated my stomach. In some pictures it would look OK, but in others all I saw was fat. I was so embarrassed of myself. I thought I had no business in a bikini.

One of many photos of myself that left me feeling horrible about my body. In hindsight, I realize how foolish I am to judge so harshly.

Whenever I get sick I struggle so much with being “forced” to do things differently. I like to do things on my terms. So when an illness keeps me from running, biking, or eating what I want, it makes me upset. I get down on myself. I start to think I’m going to lose all of the strength I’ve built up. I wonder how many people I will let down. I think about how it means I’ll be awful at the Ride to Conquer Cancer. One morning when I sat on the couch bawling, and saying all of these things to Sean he asked me “why do you keep piling on?! Why are you doing this to yourself?”

Honestly, I don’t know. Anxiety just catches me sometimes and gets on top of me. When I am sick, it’s harder to fight it. It makes it easy to think I will never get healthy again. Then the little voice creeps in and says “what if this is actually some form of cancer? Or other terminal illness?” I become less inclined to challenge my thought cycles. This is why I need to stick to therapy and continue to  get back in the habit of recognizing my destructive thought patterns, so when my defenses are down I can still stand as tall as I possibly can. I can’t let being sick absolutely tear down all of my self-esteem and confidence. Being sick is a reality of life, so I can’t let every stomach ache turn into an immediate death sentence. So right here, right now, I am vowing to DESTROY the month of March!

March Goals: 

  • Try at least one new recipe a week from my new cookbook!
  • Get better at getting up early! (I want to get up earlier during the week to focus more on better breakfasts and possibly even sneaking in some early running)
  • LISTEN to my body! Don’t be afraid to SLOW DOWN (It won’t undo ALL of my hard work)
  • Journal more! (I’ve fallen behind and need to get better at my mood journal and challenging my upsetting thoughts)
  • Get my bike tuned up! (I went to the Toronto Bike Show and am feeling inspired to train hard for the Ride to Conquer Cancer! It’s also made me realize that Spring is nearly here, which means getting outside more!)

I am hoping that having some goals and ideas in mind will help keep me motivated, and continue to force me to focus on other challenges other than just getting in shape. I am also really working to try and shift my thinking in terms of finding “happiness” and “satisfaction”. I need to keep asking myself questions like “Why do I think I look bad in a bathing suit?” “What dictates my feelings about myself?” “Would my life truly be “better” if I thought I “looked better” in a bathing suit?” And so on… so far I’ve started reading “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” which isn’t a book about being disconnected and uncaring, it’s actually about challenging “positive thinking” and making a case for the beauty of suffering, and carefully selecting WHAT to give a f*ck about. So far I am really enjoying it, and am really using it to constructively think about HOW I value things and why!

To tie this all together – going back to my bathing suit photos. I’ve already started asking myself “Would the vacation have been ANY different if I had looked ‘better’?” The answer is, of course, no! I had an absolute blast in Mexico, and how I looked in a bathing suit, workout gear, shorts, WHATEVER, had no bearing on that. The follow-up question is also one my therapist would likely ask me – if I am so unhappy with how I look; how do I know that my “goal” image would actually satisfy me? If I weighed 10lbs less, would I actually be happier? Would I then say “that’s enough” or would I instead turn my focus to something else to criticize. I think we all know it would be the latter – I’d just continue to find something else to pick on, instead of looking at what I need to appreciate.

And this will be my overall task for March – while I strive to keep improving, I can’t lose sight of what gives my life value and satisfaction now despite whether or not I achieve some of my other goals.

What are you doing to keep yourself motivated through these last final wintery weeks?

Live Band Rankings 2015! Part One: 40 – 20


Tis the season! Another year of concerts has come and gone, and it’s the post you’ve all been waiting for!

For those of you who only read my anxiety ramblings, this is my yearly ranking of each and every band I saw live in concert this year. Who exceeded my expectations? Who bombed? And who was just MEH…. LET’S FIND OUT!

NEW THIS YEAR: Have no idea who some of these bands are? Want to hear some tunes? Check out my Spotify playlist where you’ll find each and every artist featured here!! (Except Taylor Swift… her stuff isn’t on there).


40. Milky Chance (Day Two, Osheaga, August 1 2015)

I was the only person in 2015 who hated their song “Stolen Dance” and Osheaga proved this because I was literally the only person in a sea of thousands of people who looked miserable. Hearing it live did not alter my opinion.

39. Young the Giant (Day Two Osheaga, August 2015)

Sean & I saw these guys last year open for Kings of Leon, and I don’t know what it was, but their set list just didn’t jive with me. They’re not a bad live group, but they were really overshadowed by many others that weekend.

38. Rah Rah (Mod Club, November 2015)

I have to say I was really looking forward to checking these guys out, as they have an impressive touring resume. However, and this partly isn’t a fault of theirs, but the sound at the Mob Club that night really prevented me from enjoying them. A lot of their vocals sounded distorted, and quite frankly, I was a little underwhelmed.

Rah Rah @ The Mod Club

37. Guster (Day One Osheaga, July 2015)

Honestly, I didn’t hate this group, but there wasn’t much particularly memorable about them as the year went on. I did enjoy, though, getting to sit in the grass, under a tree, and chill out to their tunes. It’s too bad I couldn’t rank them higher – but this year is a tough list! (Sorry John and Val!)

36. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros (Day Three Osheaga, August 2015)

I know. I thought I’d be ranking these guys in my Top 15. But honestly, I really didn’t like their set. Up until they brought up a wheelchair-bound fan and his buddies, I was bored and thought they sounded awful. The only saving grace was the aforementioned gesture. Also, they didn’t just bring him on stage – he CROWDSURFED to the front. It was pretty cool, and the band were awesome with their guests.

35. Catfish and the Bottleman (Day One Osheaga, July 2015)

Again, like Guster – these guys aren’t bad! They just didn’t blow me away. They also, unfortunately, were the first band of the weekend for me so by the end of it all, they were lost in the haze of it all.

34. Ryn Weaver (Day Three Osheaga, August 2015)

This chick has pipes, and she is going to continue to grow as a live artist. She’s only ranked so low because I feel she has a lot of room to improve. The next time I see her, I expect she’ll be even better. Check out her debut album if you can. It’s a great pop album.

33. Iron & Wine (Day One Osheaga, July 2015)

I feel like I am cheating a little putting them on my list, as I mainly listened to them while I stood in line for the washrooms, and then a drink. BUT, they did sound fantastic. I just wish I had been able to sit on the hill, and actually enjoy my drink while listening to them. Rather than desperately waiting for a port-a-potty.

Chillin’ at the “Tree Stage” for Guster

32. James Bay (Day Three, Osheaga August 2015)

So we learned at Osheaga that James Bay is the dream boat of indie rock, because the ladies FLOODED to the stage for his set. Sean & Will napped a lot through this set, thankfully I was able to take some of it in. I hope to catch him again so I can have a better judge of him though.

31. Grace Potter (Day One Osheaga, July 2015)

I really liked this girl! She’s a real throwback to the great female vocalists of the 70s & 80s. I loved her energy, and really enjoyed her set overall and hope to see her again.

30. X Ambassadors (Day Three Osheaga, August 2015)

Were they overplayed this summer? Yes. Was their set bad? Ehh…. I found their song choices a little odd. They have a limited catalogue but I thought they picked a lot of their slower songs, versus some of the great rock songs they have. Overall, a little disappointing.

29. Weezer (Day Two Osheaga, August 2015)

I found Weezer to be such a random addition to Osheaga but it was a lot of fun hearing some of their classics. It was especially cute when Rivers’ kids came out on stage with him.

28. The New Pornographers (Danforth Music Hall, February 2015)

The long-time darlings of Canadian indie rock. They’re a well oiled live music machine. I struggled the most with them as far as where to rank them. They’re a really great band live, and sound fantastic, but I feel it lacked an overall charm or charisma with the audience.

The New Pornographers 

27. Vance Joy (Rogers Centre, October 2015)

He was the second of two openers prior to Taylor Swift hitting the stage, and I found him to be such an odd pairing considering her audience. BUT it was a win for myself & Val because I was really looking forward to hearing him live. He has a great charm in concert, and I really wish I could have seen him in a better venue. His style doesn’t suit the poor acoustics of the Dome. But I felt he did a great job overcoming that, and I don’t care if everyone hates it by now – I still love “Rip Tide”

26. Kendrick Lamar (Day Two Osheaga, August 2015)

This was such a bizarre scene. Thousands upon thousands of chicks just absolutely going nuts for Kendrick Lamar and rapping along with him. I had to stand on a picnic table to see over the huge crowd! He’s a great showman, and as much as I am famous for hating rappers live, I really liked Kendrick. You can see why he’s so beloved, and why 2015 has been his year.

Looking behind me, during Kendrick Lamar

25. The War on Drugs (Day Three Osheaga, August 2015)

Their 2014 album has been on steady play for me. I had high hopes for these guys. While their set wasn’t bad, it never had that WOW moment like a lot of other bands usually do for me. However, that isn’t to say they aren’t great musicians or that the singing sounded bad. I just feel their overall performance lacked a little charisma.

24. St. Vincent (Day Two Osheaga, August 2015)

The first few times I listened to her album, I wasn’t all that impressed and quickly moved on. However, she was an outstanding performer and it gave me a whole new appreciation for her sound. Sean also developed a small crush on her, so it’s been fun bugging him about it.

23. Hey Rosetta (Danforth Music Hall, February 2015)

I loved Hey Rosetta! They were one of my surprises of the year, and I’ve nearly worn out my copy of their latest album. They were fantastic live, and I highly recommend them to anyone looking for some new music – especially if you’re into the folk/indie rock mix.

22. George Ezra (Day One Osheaga, July 2015)

If you don’t own his debut album, you’re missing out. His set was one of my favourites from Osheaga. It was so much fun, being out in the sun, and just dancing along to a lot of his songs. He is still so young, and still figuring out who he wants to be on stage, but it’s going to be exciting to see him progress.

21. Dear Rouge (Mod Club, November 2015)

One of my top 10 bands from last year – the only reason they’ve been bumped down this year is quite simply because this was a jam packed year. Also, again, I really found that something was wrong with the speakers at the Mod Club, which took down my enjoyment. But it’s so awesome to see this band playing to larger crowds, as they really are one of the best new bands this country has to offer.

Somewhere in there is your #20 

20. Taylor Swift (Rogers Centre, October 2015)

My first time attending a big-time pop concert. First things first – I do not like seeing shows at the Rogers Centre. It’s too big, and I think the sound quality needs a lot of work. BUT, it was pretty awesome to see everyone wearing their light-up bracelets, dancing along to Tay-Tay’s hits. My biggest critique is that I didn’t hear as many of her older songs as I would have liked. But, since I do love her latest album, it was great to hear most of the songs live. I appreciate that she sings live also. I do miss watching her also perform instruments (I worked her show at the ACC years ago, prior to all the dancing and glamour). BUT come on, you can’t beat hearing “Shake It Off” live! Val & I had a blast, even if it took about three hours to get home thanks to the traffic jam afterwards.


OK so who made Top 20?! Who’s Number One?! Only my excel spreadsheet knows!! Stay tuned – in the coming days for the remaining artists – including Sam Roberts, Tame Impala, Florence + The Machine, The Darkness, Stars, Ben Harper, and SO MANY MORE.

Again, if you want to take a listen – check out the Spotify playlist I made featuring every band on this list!